Over the past few months, we’ve highlighted the benefits of vinyl now the industry has caught up with demand. It really is resilient, it has more prints and grades than you can imagine and that fancy wooden floor at your friend’s house can be replicated for half the price – vinyl is a strong contender in the flooring wars of Brisbane’s hottest renovation homes. But how do you care for vinyl flooring? As 2015 knocks on our door, we are going to take you through a crash course in vinyl flooring care, ensuring your new floor (or potential new floor) gets the best possible treatment. Not only will it look great, but it will last longer!

Bid Visitors a Warm Welcome

Do you have a doormat? A welcome mat or a colourful, good-quality outside mat will catch the dirt and grime that eat away at the vinyl surface treatment. Think of it as sandpaper scraping over your skin – once or twice will sting a little and leave a mark. Consistent abuse on the other hand…ouch!

Clean Regularly

Just because your flooring is vinyl, doesn’t mean you can be lax with a decent cleaning plan. A premium floor covering like KarnDean should be treated with admiration and respect – sweep daily with a gentle broom and wipe up dirt trails.

Don’t Invest in Heavy Duty Products

Although high-treatment chemicals may get the job done, these cleaning products are actually impacting the overall health of your floor. Instead, opt for the broom tactic highlighted above and mop with warm water. If you’re really concerned about removing grime, ask your Ashmore Carpets expert for a recommendation.

Wax On…

Many vinyl flooring options are no wax products. They aren’t some wax, or wax if desperate for shiny results –no wax vinyl ordinarily gets its marvelous sheen from a specialised treatment applied before going to the sales floor. Don’t worry, you can buy these treatments too! After cleaning and drying the surface, apply according to the instructions on the dispenser or jar.

Pad it Out

Weighty furniture items, or items with scratchy feet, should be padded out with protective coverings. Think about how long a table or fridge stays in one spot – without investing in floor protectors, large dents or deep gouges may appear in the vinyl. Felt tips should be applied to all chairs and smaller furniture feet, as damage from constant use may impact the vinyl.