Whether you’re dealing with a small stain or a whole carpet refresh, knowing how to clean your wool carpet will ensure that it remains a treasured part of your home for years to come.

A champion in the carpeting world, wool is famed for its softness, strength, and natural resilience. Its fibres have a natural crimp, which gives wool carpets that luxurious, springy feel underfoot – it’s like walking on a cloud with every step. Moreover, wool’s natural properties make it inherently stain-resistant and capable of bouncing back after compression. Its fibres can also help regulate humidity, absorbing moisture when the air is damp and releasing it when it’s dry, making it comfortable in any season.

However, wool’s fibres can absorb a lot of water, which makes them susceptible to shrinking and mould if they’re not dried correctly. They can also be sensitive to heat and harsh chemicals, so while they’re forgiving of spills, wool carpets can be unforgiving if treated with the wrong cleaning agents or methods. 

That’s why special cleaning methods are not just recommended but necessary for wool carpets. Traditional cleaning methods that work on synthetic carpets can damage wool’s delicate fibres and strip away its natural oils, leaving your carpet lacklustre and brittle. Gentle, pH-appropriate solutions and cool water are the keys to cleaning wool without causing damage.

How to Wash Wool Carpet

Maintaining the luxurious feel and longevity of your wool carpet hinges on how you wash it. Here’s a guide that walks you through both dry and wet cleaning methods.

Dry Cleaning Methods

  • Absorbent Powder: Sprinkle a wool-safe dry carpet cleaning powder liberally over your carpet. The powder will act as a magnet, pulling dirt from the fibres. After applying, let it sit for the recommended time on the cleaner’s instructions, usually about an hour.
  • Vacuuming: After the cleaning powder has done its job, vacuum the carpet thoroughly to remove all traces of the powder. This method is particularly useful for general maintenance and freshening up the carpet without the risks of water damage.

Wet Cleaning Methods

  • Spot Cleaning: For isolated stains, mix a wool-safe liquid carpet shampoo with water as directed. Apply it to the affected area with a clean cloth, using gentle tapping motions to avoid damaging the fibres. Rinse the cloth in clean water, wring it out, and blot the area to remove soap residue.
  • Whole-Carpet Cleaning: If the entire carpet needs washing, opt for a wool-safe, foaming carpet shampoo. Apply the foam with a sponge or brush, working in sections to ensure thorough coverage. Scrub gently and avoid saturating the carpet with water.
  • Rinsing: After cleaning, blot up excess moisture with clean towels. It’s important not to skip this step as any residue left behind can attract more dirt over time.

Drying: Allow the carpet to air-dry completely before walking on it or replacing furniture. This may take several hours or even a full day, depending on ventilation and humidity.

The Dos and Don'ts of Wool Carpet Care

Navigating the care of wool carpets can be simple with a quick reference guide. Here’s a concise list of best practices to ensure the longevity and beauty of your wool carpeting.


  • Vacuum Regularly: Keep dust and dirt at bay with frequent, gentle vacuuming.
  • Blot Spills Immediately: Absorb spills quickly with a clean, white cloth to prevent staining.
  • Use Wool-Safe Products: Always opt for cleaners specifically designed for wool.
  • Test Spot Treatments: Before applying any product, test it on an inconspicuous area to check for colorfastness.
  • Rotate Furniture: Regularly change the position of furniture to alter traffic patterns on the carpet. This prevents certain areas from becoming overly worn and helps maintain an even appearance throughout.
  • Seek Professional Help for Major Issues: For persistent stains or restoration needs, contact a professional cleaner experienced with wool.


  • Over-Wet the Carpet: Wool’s absorbent nature makes it prone to damage if it stays wet for too long.
  • Use Bleach or Harsh Chemicals: These can irreversibly damage wool fibres.
  • Rub Stains: This can cause the stain to set deeper into the fibres. Instead, blot gently.
  • Expose to Prolonged Sunlight: UV rays can fade the natural dyes in wool carpets.

Ignore Manufacturer’s Care Instructions: Always follow the guidelines provided by your carpet’s manufacturer for specific care advice.

Wool Carpet Stain Remover Techniques

Tackling stains on wool carpets requires finesse and a good understanding of the type of stain you’re dealing with. It’s good to know how to identify stains and some effective DIY solutions.

Organic Stains

These include food, wine, coffee, and pet accidents. They are often coloured and might even have an odour. Immediate attention is crucial to prevent setting and odour absorption.

  • Cold Water: Blot the stain with cold water as soon as possible. Avoid rubbing, as this can embed the stain deeper into the fibres.
  • Baking Soda: Apply baking soda to the affected area to absorb moisture and odours, then vacuum it up after a few hours.

For Oil-Based Stains 

Grease, lipstick, or ink falls into this category. They tend to adhere to wool fibres and require a solvent-based remover.

  • Cornstarch: Sprinkle cornstarch on the stain and let it sit for several minutes. It absorbs the oil, making the stain easier to lift.
  • Dish Soap Solution: A drop of dish soap diluted in water can break down the grease. Apply with a cloth, blotting gently.

For Synthetic Stains

Think of artificial colouring from drinks or industrially produced items. They can be tricky as they might alter the carpet’s colour if not addressed promptly.

Vinegar Solution: A mixture of white vinegar and water can help in lifting the stain. The mild acidity helps to break down synthetic dyes.

Wool Carpet Experts on the Gold Coast

From vacuuming wisely to responding promptly to spills, and from safe washing techniques to the judicious use of stain removers, every step helps preserve the natural beauty and resilience of wool. 

For those moments when you need a helping hand or when your wool carpet requires deeper cleaning, remember that Ashmore Carpets is here for you. With our knowledge, experience, and specialised services, we ensure that your wool carpets retain their elegance and durability.

Whether you’re seeking advice on the best wool-safe products or need professional cleaning services that understand the intricacies of wool fibres, don’t hesitate to reach out. Contact Ashmore Carpets today, and let us care for your carpets with the same dedication and expertise we’ve provided the Gold Coast community for over 40 years.